Merger Integration Planning and Execution

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Merger Integration Planning and Execution

Whether you’re trying to integrate an established firm or a digital company, including a startup, we can help you build integration strategies and an enhanced operating model to create greater value. Our clients include middle market organizations, as well as private equity funds.

  1. How should cross-functional activities be organized, prioritized, and governed?
  2. What operating models, organizational structures, synergies, and (if relevant) transaction service agreement management can we employ to use the IMO to drive the integration?
  3. How should we create an integration strategy based on your objectives?
  1. How long will it take to capture value?
  2. Does accelerating value capture require a clean team?
  1. How would our company function if it merges with another business?
  2. What operating model will we use to achieve our goal and direct integration planning?
  3. How can we quickly identify, evaluate, and track the crucial Day One tasks that will ensure a seamless transition?
  1. How do you control operations and set goals for various yet related business functions?
  2. How can you make the change to the target operating model smooth and effective?
  1. How can we integrate without there being a culture clash?
  2. Which essential executives and management personnel must be kept on?
  3. How can we get leaders and workers working together to make onboarding smooth and communications effective?